Concentration of classic cars in Las Terceras

Las Terceras received last Sunday June 4th a concentration of classic Seat 600 cars organized by the classic car club of Torrenueva (Ciudad Real). The passionate of these four-wheeled jewels made a stop during the morning at Las Terceras, in order to enjoy a guided tour of the facilities and grounds of the farmland.

Encuentro de clásicos en la Finca Las Terceras

In addition to touring the courtyards, gardens and livestock areas, the group was able to see firsthand the entire elaboration process of an authentic Las Terceras Manchego cheese P.D.O. The visit ended before midday with a tasting of our famous Manchegos P.D.O. cheeses, which were highly praised by all the people present before continuing their intense journey.

afamados quesos Manchegos Artesanos Las Terceraconcentración del Club Seat 600 y otros vehículos Clásicos de Torrenueva

More than 70 of these classic beauties from all over Spain were concentrated at the entrance of our farmhouse, a natural and privileged enclave to exhibit the elegance of these cars.

disfrutar de una visita guiada en la Finca Las Tercerasuna degustación de nuestros quesos Manchegos Artesanos Las Tercerasbellezas clásicas procedentes de toda Españaelegancia de piezas automovilísticas

Manchego cheese with PDOManchego cheese with PDO
Queso manchego Las Terceras. Ctra Valdepeñas Cózar Km 21 - 13344 Torre de Juan Abad (Ciudad Real) Tel. 926 090 926 - Email: