Las Terceras “Casserole egg” version

Las Terceras “Casserole egg” version

Print recipe of Las Terceras Casserole egg version with cream cheese



We put the fried tomato in individual bowls suitable for baking. We break an egg in each bowl and bake for 5 minutes at 180º until the egg has set but the yolk is raw. Remove from the oven and let it cool. Finally, we add a wedge of Las Terceras semi-cured Manchego cheese PDO to each casserole and we already have an ideal recipe as an appetizer.

Manchego cheese with PDOManchego cheese with PDO
Queso manchego Las Terceras. Ctra Valdepeñas Cózar Km 21 - 13344 Torre de Juan Abad (Ciudad Real) Tel. 926 090 926 - Email: