Las Terceras semi-cured Artisan manchego Cheese PDO with Crispy Coral-Beet
- Las Terceras semi-cured Artisan manchego Cheese PDO
- 150 ml of water
- 100 ml oil
- 3 beets
- 30 gr sifted flour
Peel and cut the raw beet into small pieces, cook it and crush it together with the cooking water. Then we strain it and reserve the result.
In a bowl, mix the strained beet, the oil and the flour well, and let it rest for 5 minutes.
In a non-stick pan over high heat, add a few tablespoons of the mixture (as we would make the crepes). We let it until the water evaporates, so small holes will appear forming a coral apperance. Remove carefully with the help of a toothpick and place on absorbent paper. We repeat the operation until the mixture is finished.
Serve the corals with wedges of Las Terceras semi-cured Artisan manchego Cheese PDO.